Friday, August 19, 2011

Atayef (Custard-filled Pancakes) - قطايف بالقشطة

I've tried different variations of making these delectable little treats. Some recipes call for Ricotta cheese instead of the bread to thicken the custard mixture. The batter however is pretty standard for most Atayef desserts, except I like to dilute mine a little bit for a thinner, lighter pancake. Another variation in this is the actual size of the pancakes. Some will make them about 4-5 inches in diameter. I personally like to them in bite-size form, so my pancakes are usually about 2-3 inches in diameter.

2 1/2 cups flour
2 cups 2% reduced fat milk
1 cup water
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp sugar

Custard (Ashta):
3 cups 2% reduced fat milk 
1 cup heavy cream
3 tbs sugar
1/2 cup corn starch mixed with 1/2 cup water
5 to 7 slices of white (or wheat) bread, crusts removed
1 tbsp rose water
1 tbsp orange blossom water
ground pistachio for topping

First start with the pancakes:
  1. Dissolve the yeast in the water.
  2. Mix all batter ingredients, stir well.
  3. Cover lightly and set aside for about 20-30 minutes to let it ferment.
Then the custard:
  1. On medium heat, stir together milk, heavy cream, cornstarch mixture, and sugar.
  2. When the mix starts to thicken slightly, rip the bread into small chunks into the pot. You will notice that the bread almost "melts" after a while.
  3. When the mixture has thickened more, add rose and orange blossom water. Continue to stir and allow to get very thick.
  4. Remove from heat and pour into a bowl. Leave out on the counter until it cools completely, stirring every 15 minutes or so to avoid it drying. When cool, cover with plastic wrap and leave in fridge.

While the custard is cooling, the batter should be ready. Its consistency should be a little looser than usual pancake mix.
  1. Heat a flat pan on medium. Carefully ladle batter onto pan so that each "circle" is about 2 to 3 inches in diameter.
  2. Within a few seconds, you should bubbles forming on the surface. DO NOT FLIP OVER.
  3. Once the batter forms a dry matte surface, remove the pancake(s) from heat and place on a plate, covering immediately with a towel to avoid them drying out. Continue this step until all batter is used.

 Now comes the labor. The custard should be cooled off by now (I cheat and place it in the fridge and stir it every 15 minutes or so). You are ready to prepare the final product now!
  1. Fold each pancake slightly in half but pinch one side until the middle so that you've created a little scooping boat shape.
  2. Carefully spoon the custard into your boat-shaped pancake and start arranging them in a circular fashion along a round plate. 
  3. Once finished, sprinkle crushed pistachio and serve alongside the sugar syrup.


  1. masha'Allah! i NEVER knew you had a blog! i would have been requesting recipes min zamaaaan!! yalla, kibbeh next :0)

  2. Hey I like this. A lot! I guess i'll start making things from here after my dear bnt 5aleh~
