Friday, August 19, 2011

Red Kidney Bean Stew with Vermicelli Rice (فاصوليا حمرة مع رز بالشعيرية)

As simple as this dish is, I actually hold it very dear to my heart. That's because it was the first thing I ever cooked on my own in college. I remember I had just moved into my own apartment my sophomore year. It was a Sunday and I had the day off (I used to work at the mall), so I thought to myself, "I want to cook today." So I called home and my dad answered. I told him I wanted to cook. He laughed and said I should make kidney beans. It was a perfect idea. So he told me what to buy and then call him back when I got home. So I did just that. And he was on the phone with me talking me through each step. It was hysterical. When I finished, I surprised myself. It came out pretty good! This a great quick recipe for those evening when you really don't feel like putting much effort into cooking!
Stew Ingredients:
1 lb. ground beef
6 ounce can of tomato paste
3 to 4 cups boiling water
1 medium white onion (chopped)
2 cans red kidney beans, rinsed
1 tbps ground all-spice
Black Pepper
    1 cup Basmati rice
    2 cups boiling water
    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    1/4 cup crushed vermicelli
    1 tsp salt
    First start with the rice, as you can leave it on low heat while you prepare the stew.
    1. Heat vegetable oil in a medium saucepan.
    2. Fry the crushed vermicelli until just golden brown.
    3. Add rice, boiling water and salt. When its bubbling consistently, turn down the heat to lowest setting and cook for about 30 minutes.
    Now the good stuff:
    1. Dilute tomato paste in 1/4 cup hot water in a small mixing bowl. Set aside.
    2. In another medium saucepan, saute onion until just golden brown.
    3. Add meat, salt, black pepper and ground all-spice and cook meat thoroughly.
    4. Add tomato paste mixture, coating meat completely.
    5. Add kidney beans, mixing all ingredients well, then add the hot water.
    6. Once the stew starts to boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 30-45 minutes.
    Serve rice and stew side by side or top the rice with the stew. Enjoy!

    Tip: If you want to use cubed stew meat, I suggest rinsing it with cold water then tossing it in after Step #5, however, you will need to simmer the stew for 45 minutes to an hour, or just until the meat is cooked thoroughly. This will allow for the meat to slowly absorb the stew and won't be as chewy.

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